About Us

For the community, by the community, with the community

Volunteers Initiative Nepal’s (VIN) belief in the above principle and after sever years of planning and two years of hard work, this led to building NaraTika Community Learning Centre (CLC) at Nishankhe, Okhaldhunga.

Okhaldhunga has been identified as one of the most affected districts by 2015 earthquake. With 32,502 households in the area, 80% were destroyed. 65% of all class rooms in the area were totally or partially damaged.
The CLC is an important platform to plan and implement post-disaster earthquake rebuilding activities, sustainable relief work and non-formal education programs at community level. The main aim for the building is to be a hub for learning education, innovation and support for the local community.

The NaraTika CLC, located at Nishankhe, Thulachhap, is a multifunctional building designed to be used as a learning hub and innovation center for the marginalized communities residing, Taluwa, Thulachhap, Bhadaure, Moli, Naransthan and around – in the eastern part of Nepal. It provides a range of services such as dormitory, a library, a children’s centre, a computer lab, a training hall and a multipurpose hall.

The NaraTika CLC will help to improve access to information and create a space where rural community people have easy access to new learning opportunities. NaraTika CLC is the first of this kind in Okhaldhunga and most probably in Nepal.

The NaraTika CLC is different from other community centres because we strive to create a conducive environment to enhance learning and improve the livelihood for the disadvantaged.

Generally, the center plays a key role in personal and societal development. They are an effective mechanism for enhancing people’s life skills and promoting community development. Our CLC will achieve this by providing opportunities for all members of society to engage in lifelong learning.

We want the NaraTika CLC to be for the community of Okhaldunga district and the services we offer will be either free or low cost. The CLC will include facilities and services such as dormitory, children’s center, library, computer lab, training rooms, working station and conference hall on hire. The community people can use these facilities as per their need and purpose.

If you would like to get involved and volunteer with us, we are currently looking for the following volunteers: Library Volunteer, Children’s Centre Volunteer, Computer Lab Volunteer , Health and Wellbeing Volunteer, Fund Raising and Grant Writing Volunteer, General Administration Volunteer and Gardening Volunteer.
For more information about the volunteering opportunities, please click here.