Core Services

  • NTCLC Children's Center

    Core Services

Children Centre

According to 2011 census Okhaldunga’s population is 9.5% below the age of 5 years, and 26.1% between 5 to 14 years.
That is why at NaraTika CLC, we promote Children’s Development through interactive and engaging activities.
The Children Centre provides services for children and young people aged 3-15 years. The main purpose is to use this space for teaching and learning.
Children will have access to indoor games, arts and crafts. Volunteers Initiative Nepal organizes winter and summer camps during the vacation times to help children learn creative expressions, team building activities and gain more self esteem.


A library provides resources and services to meet the needs of individuals for educational and personal development purposes. It provides a healthy environment for learning for people from varied backgrounds.
This center has shelves with books of different genres as well as a reading area. It also has daily, weekly, monthly and yearly national papers and journals, including scientific research papers.
Students, teachers, youth, officials and other learners can use this library.

The library will open from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm Sun

Youth Centre

This center is dedicated for activities and events related to young people aged 15 and above. The center facilitates regular meetings, trainings and workshops for them. It also functions as an information center for youth and provide counselling, psycho-social support, career advice services as well as events in which we invite professional speakers.

Specialised Health Centre

Due to the lack of medical support, the NaraTika CLC hosts a medical clinic with emergency management services.

The clinic is equipped with a doctor, pharmacy, observation area, pathology lab and x-ray chambers. Regular staff members such as an on duty general practitioner and nurses will be available.
The centre will also have a day observation room for in-patients.

In future we will also have specialist clinics, such as gynaecologist, surgeon, dentist, cardiologist, dermatologist, ultrasonologist, paediatrician and other medical staff as identified by the community.
We also arrange an ambulance service which will bring patients from surrounding area to the Specilised Health Centre.
The center will offer first aid or emergency services but make referrals to other hospitals for long term health conditions.
The location of the CLC has potentially space for helicopter landing pad. This means in the event of a disaster with mass casualties, people can first arrive to the center and then get rescued by helicopter.

In addition we plan to install telemedicine in the center. This will facilitate the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means online consultation with specialist in Kathmandu.

The center will run emergency services 24 hours for all days.
Outpatient clinic service will open during office hours, 10:00-17:00 and will be closed on Saturday.
The specialist will visit the center once a month.
In total 12 specialist visit per year.